Automation From Scratch (AFS) is a
booklet outlining the steps to automate
a LFS build using the LFS Book
AFS is not associated with the Linux
From Scratch (LFS) project. AFS is
a separate project referencing the LFS
The AFS Booklet outlines the creation
of a BASH script that builds a LFS
system. The AFS script structure
follows the LFS Book and primarily uses
the same commands as in the LFS Book.
This allows you to use the LFS Book as
a guide for the script's creation,
modification, and customization. There
is a one to one correspondence with the
script to the LFS book. By looking at
the script or the book you will know
where to customize the script or where
to reference the LFS Book for more
information on the commands.
AFS Booklet, LFS 6.1.1
Resources for Automation From Scratch
The PonkTV
project provides an example with
significant modifications of a LFS
automation script based on AFS.
If you have an AFS Script you wish to
share, send it in a
e-mail to me. Please provide a
system description and a list of any
non-LFS packages.
Additional Resources